Customized sleep training to meet the needs of your family!

Are you a parent of a baby or toddler who is not sleeping through the night?

Is your child sleeping in your bed at night?

Are you sleeping with your child?

Is your infant or toddler not napping?


If you are a parent longing for a good night sleep for your child and yourself, you are not alone.

For most parents, getting your baby or child to sleep through the night is something you worried about from the moment you conceived.

But you don’t have to struggle any longer – I can help!


I can assist you with expert infant and child sleep help that is judgement-free, tailored to fit your child’s age, personality, sleeping habits, and your parenting style.

I offer a variety of packages that are designed to fit every situation and budget. Don’t go through one more sleepless night…..get the help you need right now.


“Dr. Granato helped us with sleep training our daughter when she was 3 1/2 months old.  Most nights took over an hour of nursing and rocking her to sleep, followed by a prayer for a small miracle laying her down in the crib without waking her up.  The night would then follow with countless wake ups.  As moody sleep deprived parents, we were going through the motions but truly missing out on some of the most precious moments with our daughter mostly because we were just too exhausted.  Dr. Granato was able to pin point a pattern between sleep and food, while simultaneously breaking sleep associations and developing new sleeping patterns for everyone.  Her guidance and advice, not only gave us our lives back, we were finally able to enjoy our daughter.  She is now one year old and sleeps through the night, every night.  I can not begin to thank Dr. Granato enough for her support in establishing healthy sleeping patterns that will follow her into adulthood.”



E-mail Consulting Options

Below are packages for parents that are already facing sleep challenges and would like to have the family sleeping better. I begin with foundations for healthy sleep and move on to sleep coaching. Sleep coaching is designed to help you teach your child to fall asleep independently while supporting them, using the method that best suits your parenting style and that you will be comfortable implementing.

3 Weeks Unlimited E-mail Support

Package includes:

Full Evaluation of sleep history

Customized sleep plan

Unlimited e-mail support for 3 weeks


30 Days Unlimited E-mail Support

Package includes:

Full Evaluation of sleep history

Customized sleep plan

Unlimited e-mail support for 30 days



6 Weeks Unlimited E-mail Support

This package is perfect for families who want to take a slower approach.

Package includes:

Full Evaluation of sleep history

Customized sleep plan

Unlimited e-mail support for 6 weeks



Phone Consulting Options

Private Phone-Consultation Package

This is ideal for parents that are already facing sleep challenges and would like to have the family sleeping better. I begin with foundations for healthy sleep and move on to sleep coaching. Sleep coaching is designed to help you teach your child to fall asleep independently while supporting them, using the method that best suits your parenting style and that you will be comfortable implementing.

Package includes:

Full Evaluation of sleep history

45 minute phone consultation to discuss child’s feeding, activity, and sleep

Customized sleep plan

3 follow up 15 minute phone calls

2 follow up e-mails



Newborn Starter Package

This package is great for new parents of babies newborn to 3.5 months old. It is designed to help you become knowledgeable to your baby’s need for sleep, how to set up the perfect sleep environment, learn about sleep cues, and much more. Learn gentle ways to transition from sleeping in arms, swing, etc. to crib, while implementing strategies and techniques to prepare your baby for independent sleep when they are ready.

Package includes:

Full evaluation

45 minute phone consultation

Two follow up 15 minute phone calls

2 weeks of unlimited e-mail support



Returning Clients

Unlimited E-Mail Support for 1 week

Unlimited e-mail consultations for one week

Ability to work quickly and closely together for maximum results

Great way to work on sleep setbacks in real time



Telephone Support for Returning Clients

            Evaluation of your sleep history and current situation.  Perfect for transitioning sleep such as fewer naps, night-waking, and more . Also great for solving setbacks due to illness, teething, travel, sleep regressions, etc.

            30 minute telephone consultation to follow-up on a prior sleep plan or new issue



Question not answered? We’re here to help you! Please contact me in any of the following ways:



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Children who don’t sleep well have lower IQs than children who do.

(Sleep Medicine. 2010 March 11)

Children who get less than 10.5 hours of sleep per night are significantly more likely to be obese

(Pediatrics. 2010 February 8)

Boys who don’t sleep well are at a significantly higher risk for hyperactivity.

(Pediatrics. 2010 November 1)

Children who sleep less than 11 hours per night score lower on all kinds of school tests, including math and literacy.

(Sleep Abstract # 0040 San Antonio, 2010.)

The American Academy of Pediatrics has linked babies’ frequent night wakings to the following:

postpartum depression in moms

future obesity in children

future behavioral problems in children

If your baby is not sleeping through the night, they are not getting the sleep their brain requires to function optimally.

Babies who don’t sleep well at night consistently perform worse on tests designed to assess memory, emotional control, and organization.

(Child Development. Nov/Dev 2010)